Medical services

Comprehensive remote area medical services

Falck specialises in the establishment and operation of comprehensive remote area medical services. We can provide services for thousands of client personnel across remote area sites supported with our large 4WD ambulances fleet.

Through our comprehensive range of medical services our clients can take advantage of a single source, fully integrated solution for the provision of:

- Paramedics
- Nurses
- Doctors (on site) and Medical Director
- Medical Centre design and fit-out
- Procedures, Protocols and Guidelines
- Poisons Licence and Compliance
- Clinical Administration and Audit
- 4WD fully equipped ambulances
- Logistics, HR, HSEQ and Travel Management
- First aid training on site

Falck’s highly qualified medical staff and head office support staff use recognised clinical procedures, protocols and guidelines supported by an extensive suite of documentation to allow them to operate with skill and confidence in any situation, including seamless transfer of patients in the wider medical system. Our clinics maintain equipment and medications required to manage a range of critical incidents.

Medical education

Second to this, the delivery of education to our client’s on-site personnel is critical and forms an important part of our site-based communication and integration strategy. Falck is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) with expertise in the development and delivery of a comprehensive range of medical/healthcare courses, including emergency scenario development and simulated exercises.


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Who we are

Who we are

Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

